Valeriu Gurau

With over 15 years of industry experience, Valeriu Gurau is the founder of Built To Last Roofing. His extensive knowledge and expertise in the roofing business allow him to provide strategic solutions and ensure exceptional operational performance.

Table of Content

Replacement Cost vs. Actual Cash Value

This is the biggest game-changer. Replacement cost covers the full cost of repairs or replacement, ignoring depreciation. Actual cash value deducts depreciation, leaving you with less. Read your policy carefully to see which one you have.

Coverages and Exclusions

Understand what your policy covers (wind, hail, etc.) and what it excludes (earthquakes, wear and tear). This knowledge is your protection against lowball offers.

Policy Limits

Every policy has limits. Knowing yours helps set realistic expectations and plan your repairs accordingly.

Photos and Videos

Capture high-quality images of the overall damage and close-ups of specific areas. Time-stamp them for extra precaution.

Itemized List

Make a detailed list of all damaged items, including descriptions, receipts (if available), and estimated repair costs. Think broken windows, missing shingles, water-stained ceilings – no detail is too small.

Home Inventory (Bonus Tip)

If you have an annual home inventory, dust it off! It becomes your golden ticket to proving what you had and what needs replacing.


The sooner you file your claim, the better. Delays can raise eyebrows and complicate the process.

Clear Communication

Be concise and factual, but don't give unsolicited information. Stick to the details of the damage and answer questions directly.

Don't Sign Anything

Without careful review. Any agreements should be reviewed by an expert before you commit.

Insurance Adjuster

They'll assess the damage. Remember, you can hire a public adjuster for a second opinion and additional support.

Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to clarify anything you don't understand. The more informed you are, the better.

Keep Records

Get a copy of the adjuster's report and ensure all damage is documented accurately.

Shop Around

Don't just go with the first contractor. Get at least three detailed estimates from licensed and reputable professionals.

Compare and Contrast

Analyze the estimates carefully, comparing the scope of work, materials used, and costs. Quality matters, but so does staying within your budget.


The cheapest estimate isn't always the best. Choose quality repairs that will stand the test of time.

Compare Offers

Analyze the settlement offer against your repair estimates and policy coverage. Is it fair? Does it cover everything?

Negotiate with Confidence

If the offer is low, don't be afraid to negotiate. Present your documentation and evidence to justify a higher settlement.

Seek Expert Help

If negotiations stall, consider consulting an insurance attorney for professional guidance.

Choose Wisely

Select a qualified and experienced contractor for the repairs. Get everything in writing, including warranties and guarantees.

Keep Paperwork

Hold onto all receipts, invoices, and repair contracts. These are your proof of expenditure and may be needed for future claims or property sales.

Mitigation Matters

Take temporary steps to prevent further damage (e.g., covering broken windows). This shows the insurance company you're proactive and responsible.

Stay Calm and Collected

Remember, insurance adjusters are professionals, but you are the homeowner. Be courteous but firm, and stand your ground when necessary.

Read Reviews and Recommendations

Research contractors and public adjusters before hiring them. Online reviews and recommendations can be valuable resources.

Know Your State Laws

Some states have laws regulating insurance claims processes and unfair practices. Familiarize yourself with these laws for added protection.

When disaster strikes, understanding how to maximize your home insurance claim, especially for roof damage, is crucial. With unpredictable natural disasters and the increasing cost of repairs, it's vital for homeowners to have the right knowledge to effectively navigate the claims process and the insurance restoration process.

This guide aims to help you understand the essential steps in making a homeowners insurance claim, ensuring you receive the fair settlement you deserve, and guiding you through the complexities of the insurance restoration process.

1. Understanding Your Policy

Understanding Your Policy

Understanding the specifics of your insurance policy is crucial. It's essential to know whether your policy offers replacement cost or actual cash value coverage. Replacement cost covers the amount to replace or repair your home without depreciation, while actual cash value considers depreciation in the value of your damaged property.

Review your policy carefully to understand your coverage limits, deductibles, and any exclusions. Remember, each home insurance company has different terms, and understanding these can significantly impact your insurance claims process.

To-Do List:

2. Documenting the Damage

Detailed documentation of the damage is critical. Use your smartphone or camera to take clear photos and videos of all the affected areas. This should include wide shots to show the overall damage and close-ups for specific issues.

An itemized list of damaged items, with descriptions and, if possible, receipts, will strengthen your claim. If you've done annual home inventories, now is the time to use them. Time-stamping your photos can provide a clear timeline, which is crucial for insurance claims adjusters.

To-Do List:

3. Contacting Your Insurance Company

Contacting Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company or insurance agent as soon as possible to initiate the claim process. When you call, have your policy number ready and provide a clear description of the damage. Be prepared to answer questions about the cause and extent of the damage. The insurer may give you specific instructions for temporary repairs or the claims process. You’ll need to follow these instructions carefully to avoid any issues with your claim. Transparency and clear communication with your insurance company are key to a smooth process.

To-do List:

4. Inspection and Professional Assessment

During the inspection, the insurance company's claims adjuster will assess the damage. You may also consider hiring a public insurance adjuster to have a professional advocate on your side. These adjusters can provide a second opinion on the damage and may help negotiate a better settlement. According to the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters, having your own adjuster can lead to a more favorable claim outcome. Make sure that all damage is documented in the adjuster's report.

To-Do List:

5. Obtaining Repair Estimates

Obtaining Repair Estimates

Getting multiple repair estimates from licensed contractors is crucial. These estimates provide a benchmark against which you can compare the insurance adjuster's estimate. Make sure these estimates detail the scope of the necessary repairs and the associated costs. Remember, the lowest bid isn’t always the best choice — quality and reliability are important. Having detailed and comprehensive repair estimates can help homeowners ensure fair insurance settlements.

To-Do List:

6. Reviewing and Negotiating the Settlement Offer

Once you receive the insurance settlement offer, review it meticulously. Compare it against your repair estimates and your understanding of your policy coverage. If the offer seems low, don't hesitate to negotiate. You can present your documentation and repair estimates as evidence for a higher settlement. In some cases, it may be beneficial to seek advice from an insurance attorney, especially if you believe the insurance company isn’t offering a fair settlement.

To-Do List:

7. Completing Repairs and Keeping Records

Completing Repairs and Keeping Records

After approving the claim, proceed with the necessary repairs. Choose a reputable and experienced contractor for the job. Keep all receipts and detailed records of the repair process, as these are essential for any future insurance claims or selling your property. This step is also crucial in case of any disputes with your insurance company. Maintaining comprehensive records ensures you have evidence of the expenditure if you need to provide it to the insurer.

To-Do List:

Bonus Tips to Maximize the Home Insurance Claim Process

Bonus Tips to Maximize the Home Insurance Claim Process

Maximize Your Insurance Claim!

Navigating a homeowner's insurance claim for roof damage can be complex, but with thorough preparation and understanding, you can ensure a fair and effective process. Remember, understanding your policy, meticulously documenting damage, and working with experienced professionals can significantly impact the success of your claim.

If you need expert assistance or quality roof repair services, Build to Last Roofing is here to help you through every step of the process. Contact us and let us make the roof restoration process easier!

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